
Created in partnership with Siegel+Gale

The platform making homeownership better for everyone, not just the 1%.

Better was founded to make homeownership simpler, faster, and more affordable for everyone.

Come 2022, the brand was struggling to keep up with rising competition and consumer demands. They approached Siegel+Gale to refocus the brand and reclaim market share.

Our team evolved the brand platform, voice and messaging strategy, working with Better to apply it across their website and social channels.








The brand platform connects Better’s founding focus with its emerging capabilities, giving the brand runway to grow into an all-in-one homeownership platform.

  • Empowering hardworking people to build better lives through homeownership.

  • Homeownership built for you, not just the big guys.

  • Challenge Convention

    The impossible is our next opportunity. At Better, we are not bound by the status quo. We turn conventions on their head and never stop chasing our goal of helping hard-working people live their best lives.

    Champion the People

    Stand up for everyday people. At Better, we take every opportunity to tilt the scales in favor of the hardworking people who are building their future. We only succeed when they succeed.

    Choose Action, Always

    We’re doers, not dreamers. We know that thinking big is only half the battle and even baby steps are better than standing still. We own our mistakes and take actions every day to improve.

  • It starts with a home. A place to call your own. A foundation for a life well-lived.

    We know getting there is hard. After all, the home finance system wasn’t built for us. It was built for the powerful — the brokers, bankers, and 1% who can afford to pay all cash, upfront for the home of their dreams.

    That’s why we’re building it back Better. To challenge a broken system. To empower you with the tools to maximize the value of your home and build your best life through homeownership.

    We started by rebuilding mortgages with you in mind. Replacing extra steps, hidden fees and unnecessary middlemen with commission-free loan officers who get you the best possible rate as a foundation for long- term prosperity.

    And we keep getting Better. With an integrated platform that streamlines your journey and helps you maximize value at every step. A team that helps you manage it all, from pre-approval to remodel to refinance to sale.

    At Better, we're here to get you the right mortgage today so you save time, money and energy for decades to come. Time for what you care about. Funds for what matters most. And energy for your loved ones. So you can live your best life.

    Better. Homeownership built for you.


The brand voice builds on Better’s brand platform. It reflects the brand’s key characteristics and gives it a distinct communication style, making it easy for the team to speak consistently and impactfully across channels.

  • Our strength comes from conviction: home-ownership needs to work better for more people.

    We shoot straight about the ups and downs of buying and owning a home, acknowledging the challenges and passionately celebrating the wins.

    We use an active voice, never shy away from the truth and always challenge the status quo.

  • Our writing demonstrates deep knowledge from experience with the facts, figures and tools to guide your homeownership journey.

    We speak clearly to instill a sense of understanding and trust, with a touch of irreverence to keep things conversational.

  • Our writing is centered around practical advice, demonstrating our understanding of where home-ownership stands today and where it can take us in the decades to come.

    We speak with straightforward confidence to bolster our expertise, always reassuring without overwhelming.

We applied the brand voice to existing communications, creating before-and-after examples to guide its use.