LVE Talent

Created in partnership with Anavi Group

Meet the talent matching firm driving possibility through diverse pipelines.

LVE Talent was founded as part of Larnell Vickers Enterprises, a well-known career coaching brand. After years of steady growth, Enterprises approached us to turn Talent into a standalone brand.

We established the brand platform, voice, website and sales materials, giving Talent the tools to scale across new audiences, capabilities and areas of impact.




Business Development

LVE Talent One Pager

One Pager

LVE Talent Capabilities

Capabilities Deck

Full samples available on request




The brand platform combines Larnell’s founding mission with Talent’s emerging focus, giving the brand the support and space it needs to grow.

  • To help organizations build diverse talent pipelines through a purpose-driven lens.

  • To unlock and accelerate possibility for all.

  • The world is transforming before our eyes.

    Traditional ideas, models, and modalities no longer dictate how we live and work. Momentum calls for transformation toward purpose to enable profit, not profit at the expense of purpose.

    At LVE Talent, we actively partner for possibility. Whether we’re driving opportunity for individuals or scaling impact for organizational teams, we’re here to shape the future of work.

    LVE Talent is where today’s change-makers come together to transform tomorrow’s workforce.

    We’re accelerating possibility, non-stop. Join us.


The brand voice builds on Talent’s brand platform. It reflects the brand’s personality and gives it a distinct communication style, making it easy for Larnell and his team to speak consistently and impactfully across channels.

  • We speak with expertise, delivering tangible facts and figures in language that’s clear, concise, and easy to understand. It’s how we demonstrate our experience and build confidence in our relationships.

  • We engage you in conversation, asking direct questions, using inviting language, and sprinkling in the occasional personal anecdote. It’s how we make you feel like a part of our community, whether you’re brand new or a Talent veteran.

  • We keep you going on your career journey, with a visceral energy that comes alive through punchy sentence structure, powerful word choice, and purposeful punctuation.