NBZ Partner

Meet the growth partner disrupting the marketing industry.

NBZ is the go-to growth and match partner for agencies and brands worldwide. Over the course of a year, I worked with NBZ’s founders to evolve the brand through a new brand platform, voice, messaging strategy, website, and thought leadership push (with publications in AdAge and AdWeek).




Thought Leadership

  • NBZ Partner is a growth partner for the marketing industry.

    Founded in 2020 by former agency executives Simone Mandel and Rachel Segall, we operate on the principle that change is the currency to growth.

    We integrate with agencies to develop ownable growth strategies that set them apart from the masses. In parallel, we match like-minded brands and agencies to drive meaningful partnerships across our industry.

    Our partners proudly include Fig, Gut, Joan, Lumos, Riot Games, and Union Square Hospitality Group.

    Learn more at www.nbzpartner.com and get in touch at hello@nbzpartner.com.

  • We’re NBZ, the growth partner that powers new business for the marketing industry.

    We advance agencies by giving them ownable strategies for sustainable growth. In turn, we advance brands by matching them with like-minded agency partners.

    Our goal? To help agencies and brands keep pace in a fiercely competitive market so they can evolve the industry we know and love, for the better.




The brand platform combines NBZ’s founding mission with its future vision, giving the brand room to expand into a growth and match partner for agencies and brands.

NBZ Brand


The brand voice is an extension of NBZ’s brand platform, reinforcing the brand’s signature approach and personality from one channel to the next.

  • We tell it like it is.

    Our voice is grounded in fact and truth. We speak clearly, bravely, and directly to incite understanding and action. When we get real, we drive real results.  

  • We speak with savvy. 

    Our voice is peppered with expertise. We speak with a clear, confident point of view, supporting claims and opinions with real-life explanations and examples.

  • We bring the energy.

    We don’t sugarcoat, but that doesn’t make us pessimistic. Our voice is energetic and forward-looking, painting a picture of possibility. A dose of wit keeps things engaging.

  • We deliver with impact.

    We don’t speak to hear ourselves talk. We make every word count by sticking to short sentences, intentional word choice, and purposeful punctuation.


The core messages summarize NBZ’s who, what, how and why in a direct and distinct way. Together with the brand voice, they set the tone for all brand communications from web to media and beyond.

  • We’re a growth partner that powers new business for the marketing industry.

    As former agency pros, we mastered the rules of excellence and rewrote the playbook for success. It’s how we develop ownable brands, deploy winning growth strategies, and create meaningful agency-brand connections that fuel standout work and evolve our industry for the better.

  • We believe intentional change leads to sustainable growth.

    We built our business on the back of an ever-changing industry, so we know change is imperative to growth.

    We’re not talking wake-up-and-wanna-switch-things-up change. We’re talking intelligent and strategic moves that get your business one step closer to its true potential, day by day.

  • We create growth strategies that unlock industry recognition and distinction.

    We partner with you to define your core strength, develop it into an ownable brand, and deploy it through winning pitch and sales strategies that inspire your team, galvanize your clients, and get the industry buzzing.

  • We partner with agencies and brands with a vision for growth… and an appetite for change.

    It doesn’t matter if you have ten employees or 100. Do DTC, CPG or both. Call yourself a startup or a corporation. One thing’s for sure: you lead with heart.

    You celebrate every win with passion, build on every weakness with conviction, and embrace change as the currency to growth.