
Meet the motion studio behind the world’s biggest brands.

Vucko is the studio behind motion strategies, identities and executions for the likes of Google, Meta and Spotify. Over the course of a year, I partnered with their team to refine the studio’s voice, messaging, website, and social content strategy. The goal? To engage clients and talent at the top of their game.




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The brand voice reflects Vucko’s signature approach and personality: strategic, collaborative and comprehensive. Most importantly, it gives Vucko the tools to speak consistently and impactfully from one channel to the next.

  • We speak with intent. 

    Short sentences, accessible language and clear content hierarchy make it easy for audiences to understand our work and value. 

    That doesn’t mean we’re simple. We develop our diction like we do our motion languages: by choosing every word with purpose and care. 

  • We speak to engage. 

    Expressive word choice makes it possible for audiences to visualize and appreciate our craft before they see it in action. 

    That doesn’t mean we’re one-sided. We speak from the first person, address audiences directly and pose the occasional question, creating a dialogue that invites audiences into our world. 

  • We don’t just speak; we flow. 

    There’s a signature rhythm to our speech that makes it effortless to read and absorb. 

    By delivering every line, paragraph and page with a consistent cadence, we inspire confidence, trust and loyalty.

We applied the brand voice to existing communications, creating before-and-after examples to guide its use. 


The core messages express Vucko’s who, what, how and why in a clear and compelling way. Together with the brand voice, they form the foundation for all brand communications, from web to social and beyond.

  • We’re Vucko, a brand-led motion partner specializing in motion strategies, identities, and executions.

  • We make brands move so they can move the world around them. Our team integrates with yours to understand your brand, create a motion strategy in harmony with your identity, and transform how you express yourself across modern media. Together, we build connection, trust and loyalty with every move.   

  • We integrate with your team to build a living, breathing world around the heart of your brand. 


    We create a motion strategy that reflects your brand values and expressions, from your smallest elements to your largest executions. 


    We evolve your core brand elements into a moving kit of parts, from your logo to your typeface and beyond. 


    Toolkits / Evergreen motion assets and guidelines for every touchpoint.

    Campaigns / Designed and animated campaign content for digital and social. 

    Identifiers / Designed and animated frames to sign off on channels and networks. 

    Films / Designed and animated films to bring branded content to life (singular or series). 

  • The world connects through motion. 

    From people to brands, the way we move drives how we feel, act, and interact.

    Imagine you’re meeting a friend. You scan the crowd and spot them coming towards you. You can’t see their face, but you recognize the bounce in their step and the swing of their arms right away.

    The same is true for your brand. Take the line in your logo, the graphics on your website and the figures on your billboards.

    In motion, your line becomes bold, your graphics become energetic, your figures become joyful, and your audience becomes engaged. 

    In motion, we unlock emotion and drive new relationships. 

    We’re Vucko. Here to make you move so you can move the world around you.